Specialist Freshwater Surveys
Scott Cawley ecologists are frequently called upon to carry out baseline surveys of lakes, rivers, stream and other wetland habitats. Standard surveys used to establish the condition of rivers and lakes such as freshwater invertebrate sampling are regularly undertaken by our staff whilst specialist surveys such as electrofishing, netting and trapping are carried out with the help of our Panel of Specialists.
Specialist surveys include:
Freshwater invertebrate sampling;
Habitat suitability assessment for lamprey and salmonid species;
White-clawed crayfish surveys, trapping and translocation.
River corridor surveys.
We also have considerable experience in dealing with assessment of impacts on Freshwater Pearl Mussel (protected under Annex II and IV of the EC Habitats Directive and also the Wildlife Acts) and work alongside the most experienced malacologists in Ireland in advising clients on how to address potential impacts on this species.