Specialist Bat Surveys
Surveys and research into Irish bats has been at the heart of Scott Cawley’s ecological expertise for the last ten years. As a result we are one of Ireland’s most experienced and equipped teams to be able to carry out a range of bat surveys and it forms a core part of our business. These range from presence/absence surveys for buildings, bridges and trees to more complex flight path and foraging resource studies using the latest telemetry, remote sensing and night vision techniques.
Our services include:
- Manual activity surveys using a range of ultrasonic detector types;
- Radiotracking of radio-tagged bats to identify core foraging areas and ranges of individual bats;
- Visual assessment of buildings, bridges and trees to assess suitability;
- Long-term monitoring of bat activity using ultrasound recording;
- Advanced sound analysis;
- Woodland monitoring using acoustic lure and harp trap/mist net;
- Supervising construction and other works near bat roosts under Licence from National Parks and Wildlife Service;
- Implementing roost and flight path mitigation measures;
- Assessment of impacts of light-spill including light level monitoring pre and post development;
- Post-construction monitoring of bat activity and checks of bat box schemes.
All Scott Cawley ecologists are licenced to carry to surveys that may disturb bats and selected staff are also licences to capture and handle bats under specific circumstances.
We also utilise the skills and experience of other established Irish and UK bat workers when necessary to supplement our own team. We submit all our records to Bat Conservation Ireland and participate in national bat monitoring schemes as part of our role in bat conservation and research.