Invertebrates - molluscs and insects
Often overlooked and under-recorded in ecological studies, invertebrate diversity can often enhance the understanding of certain sites and habitats. Scott Cawley ecologists have undertaken training in invertebrate identification but we understand the value that specialists can bring to this taxonimically-challenging group and we use specialist entomologists, malacologists and other sub contractors when deemed necessary.
We have considerable experience in dealing with projects that may impact upon Freshwater Pearl Mussel - listed under Annex II and IV of the EC Habitats Directive and also the Wildlife Acts. This species has large populations in Irish rivers yet almost all are facing extinction due to poor water quality resulting from inadequate catchment management and poor river engineering. We work alongside the most experienced malacologists in Ireland in advising clients on how to address potential impacts on this species.
We are also highly experienced at designing and undertaking surveys for Marsh Fritillary. Surveys for Ireland's only protected insect, include assessment of habitats in terms of suitability using standardised methodologies, surveys for larval webs and checks of sites for adults. Staff have carried out assessment of metapopulations for this vulnerable species, translocation of larval webs and preparation of habitat management plans.