Habitat and Botanical Surveys
One of Scott Cawley’s core services is undertaking “Phase 1” habitat surveys and producing high quality mapping and reports that accurately and objectively describe the baseline environment. These may used in formal Ecological Impact Assessments (EcIA) and Fauna and Flora Impact Sections within Environment Impact Statements (EISs). They may also help clients to identify if there are any significant ecological constraints on their site and how they may be addressed.
Many sites that contain semi-natural habitats may require more detailed botanical surveys. Not only do we have qualified botanists on our staff but we also draw from a panel of specialist botanists who are regarded to be the best in their field and may be called upon when we feel that the sites are particularly sensitive or complex.
Our services include phase 1 habitat surveys and mapping in accordance with best practice, vegetation community classification (NVC), mapping of rare and protected flora and proposals for habitat protection, restoration and creation where necessary.
Our ecologists regularly attend training courses on flora identification and participate in field trips run by the Botanical Society for Britain and Ireland, Dublin Naturalist's Field Club and the British Bryological Society.
Click here to inquiry about these services.