Amphibians and Reptiles
Ireland is home to a relatively limited range of native amphibian and reptiles – herpetofauna- compared to the rest of the British Isles and mainland Europe. Nevertheless, Common Frog and Newt and Common Lizards are all protected under the Wildlife Acts 1976 (as amended). Scott Cawley ecologist carry out surveys for amphibians and reptiles using recognised techniques and provide essential data on presence/absence and distribution to inform baseline studies and impact assessments. We frequently have to address the challenges posed by seasonality of breeding and hibernation of these species and provide clients with appropriate mitigation measures to ensure that conservation of local populations are integrated into our projects. Our service include:
- Site suitability assessments;
- Common frog breeding site surveys and assessment;
- Bottle trapping, torch surveys and hand netting for Common Newts under licence;
- Translocation of eggs, larvae and adults under licence;
- Design and monitoring of receptor sites for translocated species.